Sunday, 23 September 2012


I came across, freshH20 eXPO in a text and decided to look into greater detail for this blog post. The FreshH20 is a water pavilion and interactive installation located in Zeeland, Netherlands and created by WaterLand Neeltje Jans (Spubroek 1998, 264).

The building attempts to exemplify the qualities of water. With no set program, but an interactive and fluid installation. Technological senses connecting to lights project waves, ripple and blobs onto the interior surfaces. Audible sounds also create a tranquil environment. Walls, floors, ceilings become indistinguiable to users, forming the charasterics of water.  Together, all these features develop a relationships as the building where the user is submerged in sensory engaged environment.

FreshH20 steps forward in the direction of a possible future experimental city. Users are immersed in a poetic phenomenon analogy through the varying interactive capabilities.  As an installation itself it created a unity between the subject and object architecture from the development of perception of the sensory engaged architectural environment.

Almeida (2010) perceives the building in a constant change and redeemed as an unfinished attempting validate the inseparable architectural qualities of action and perception. As in the building is in constant interaction with users there is sense of incomplete form due to continual development in every moment.

On a further note, this architectural entity exemplifies similar qualities of the experiential developing a user language. Ruwan in the tutorial brought this idea of forming and establishing a language interface.I will continue working on this.

Spubroek ,L. 1998. freshH20 eXPO “The Virtual Dimension. edited John Beckmann. p. 264 - 267. New York: Princeton Architectural Press

Almeida, M. Alves de. 2010. The guy in the phenomenological architecture of H2O expo. Accessed 23 September 2012

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